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bs-LIMS - Logiciel LIMS toxicologie

TOX module - Toxicology laboratory management

From the processing of your samples to the establishment of your analysis plans, bs-LIMS TOX provides you with all the tools necessary to the management of your toxicology laboratory. The software allows you to obtain infallible traceability both administratively and technically. You can thus simultaneously gain in efficiency and traceability.

Optimize your processes

  • Administrative management & dematerialization
  • Dedicated and adaptive workflows
  • Traceability of analyzes and consumables
  • Sample Lifecycle Management
  • Automated edition of expert reports
  • Management of long-term storage and destruction of samples

Our cross-functional modules also allow you to manage:

Logiciel GMAO module gestion des stocks
The management of your consumables stocks can be automated, with replenishment requests and destocking via terminals.

Manage expiry dates, batches of consumables and their validation to optimize your daily work.

Logiciel gestion des démarches qualité

Quality management makes it easy for you to:

  • do the follow-up of non-conformities directly linked with your files, exhibits, samples, analytical batch and any element managed by the LIMS
  • organize the quality document management: manage, revise, distribute your documents in a few clicks

Automatically generate quotes and invoices from your cases.

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20 rue Arsène Vermenouze 63200 RIOM


(+33) 04 15 47 00 15